Thursday, April 06, 2006

Join me at My Wordpress Blog

Check out my wordpress blog. I'm updating pretty regularly about this that and everything, so check it out for more great commentary.



Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Boston Legal is great!

I was watching Boston Legal and Candace Bergen had a great quote... Without getting to much into it, she gave some closing arguments and said as part of a 1st amendment case.


I agree!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

FOX's war on America - No Holidays, only XMAS!

When over a year ago, when Jon Stewart and Company on the Daily show did a "Satirical Rift" about Xmas, no one said a word, until last week. The big zinger came when one of the collegues of the show filed a report that basically said the government recognizes Xmas and shuts down, but if you're not a celebrator of said holiday, you should sit home and reflect on the true meaning of Xmas.

(By the way, I'm using Xmas, since it pisses off the ignorant, look up the origin if your curious)

Well, it seems that FOX news has little news to report and has resorted to taken on people who wish you Happy Holidays rather than Merry Xmas, and Bill O Reilly plans to release Horror upon those who are trying to take Xmas away.

Believe me, probably over 90% of American's celebrate Xmas in one fashion or another. Many of them celebrate it in a Secular way, and could care less about the religious aspect of it. Some American's who are Eastern Orthodox don't even celebrate Christmas in December. The Jews celebrate Hanukkah on a different date in December each year (it based on a different calendar). There is also New Years Day, and various other Saint days and holy days.

So happy Holidays is aptly appropriate, and if someone wants to say Holidays GET OVER IT!